One of the things that sets CrossFit apart and unique from other fitness regimes is our community members. Our members come from all walks of life, fitness levels, experiences and even abilities; and yet, our workouts every day, are designed so that absolutely everyone can participate. “Scaling” is a word that you will hear and during each class, everyone does the same workout, but that workout will always have several scaling options. This makes it possible for all of us – with our different body types, personal goals and levels of ability – to work alongside one another safely. We motivate one another, cheer one another on, and help keep each other accountable, while enjoying the 'Best Hour of Your Day' together!
Your CrossFit journey begins with our Introduction to CrossFit classes. This is a 5-class membership where we go over the foundational movements, experience a class format and enjoy a fun and challenging WOD (Workout Of the Day).
The 5 areas and variations of movements you will encounter during the Introduction classes are squats, deadlifts, overhead pressing, Olympic Lifting and gymnastics. Each one Intro classes has a specific Skill Focus for that day, which the coaches place emphasizes on proper technique and form execution through demonstration and skill practice, along with scaling and movement progression tutorials. Classes are kept small to allow for a one-on-one personal training experience, which allows for coaches opportunities to conduct movement assessments and provide on-going feedback.
Your first class is always free to try! So, don't delay! Come see what the CFKV community has to offer and we can become apart of your new healthy daily routine.
In our CrossFit Kids program, we help kids to love exercise through the combination of calisthenics, running, biking, rowing, jumping, throwing, carrying, pushing, pulling, climbing and lifting in a supervised and controlled environment. Certified coaches use age-appropriate skills, technique drills and equipment through a 1-hour length class to review proper movement patterns then practice that learnt in a challenging, but fun workout! We promote healthy fitness routines starting with our programs that begin with the age bracket of 7 to 11 years old, which then carries over into OUR CrossFit Teens program for 12 to 15 year olds.

+ CrossFit - One of the things that sets CrossFit apart and unique from other fitness regimes is our community members. Our members come from all walks of life, fitness levels, experiences and even abilities; and yet, our workouts every day, are designed so that absolutely everyone can participate. “Scaling” is a word that you will hear and during each class, everyone does the same workout, but that workout will always have several scaling options. This makes it possible for all of us – with our different body types, personal goals and levels of ability – to work alongside one another safely. We motivate one another, cheer one another on, and help keep each other accountable, while enjoying the 'Best Hour of Your Day' together!
+ Introduction to CrossFit - Perfect for those looking to try CrossFit. All new members are required to go through our “Intro” program. This is a 5-class membership where we go over the foundational movements, we will see day-to-day.
+ Kids CrossFit - Through our kid's fitness program, your child will develop qualities like trust, cohesion, self-accountability, and confidence, unlike anything we’ve seen elsewhere.
We use age-appropriate skills, challenges, and equipment. By using a FUN combination of calisthenics, running, rowing, jumping, throwing, carrying, pushing, pulling, climbing and lifting we get kids to LOVE exercise.